The BeStrong LARGE 100 is the smallest park in the series, but even so, up to 44 people can play sports in the park at the same time. The size of the park means that it has a very wide range of equipment, allowing you to work all muscle groups.
Our fitness park equipment includes a wide range of Calisthenics, Fitness, Outdoor CrossFit, Sport specific, Recreation elements, which can be combined with any of our sports park configurations.
For increased safety, we install these BeStrong gyms with rubber flooring.
Workout exercises can be supplemented with various exercise equipment such as TRX, kettlebell or medicine ball.
Capacity: up to 44 people can exercise on the fitness equipment at the same time.
Space requirements: 100m²
BeStrong fitness parks are manufactured with innovation and continuous improvement in mind to ensure that our products meet the most demanding needs.
The desired sports park is designed by our experienced engineers after a needs assessment. Our specialists then manufacture the sports park on our own premises and finally install it on request.
Sports parks are also available with custom painting, for more information please contact our colleagues:
All BeStrong sports park elements are certified according to MSZ EN 16630 2015 “Permanently installed outdoor fitness equipment.”
Explore the BESTRONG site that suits your preferences!
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